
オンライン英会話(Skype英会話)レッスンで使える教材集です。 どうぞご自由に使用して、英会話レッスンをお楽しみください!

初回レベルチェック・テスト (First assessment)


AI-English Academy
                         First Assessment
Pre-Test (3 minutes)
                   Direction:               Tell something about yourself.
Part I       Vocabulary Test
Picture Description (2 minutes)
Direction:                Tell me 10 words which you can see in the picture. (Use the parts of speech)
Example: beautiful (adjective) run (verb) dog (noun)

                               1.________________                                            6._____________
                               2.________________                                            7._____________
                               3.________________                                            8._____________
                               4.________________                                            9._____________
                               5.________________                                            10.____________
Part II     Grammar Test
Picture Story (5 minutes)
Direction:                Make 5 sentences based on the picture using the words that you have given in                                                Part I
Part III                      Reading and Pronunciation Test
Reading Comprehension (10 minutes)
Direction:               Read the passage and answer the comprehension questions below.
 pieces of chocolate in a bowlChocolate
What is your favorite way to enjoy chocolate? Is it a mug of hot chocolate on a cold day?  Is it a piece of a good chocolate bar? Perhaps you like the taste of chocolate ice cream.  Is your favorite dessert a piece of dark chocolate cake with lots of creamy chocolate icing? Chocolate is one of the world’s favorite flavours.
Chocolate comes from the cacao tree which is native to Mexico, Central America and South America. People have been growing and using the cacao tree to make chocolate for at least 3000 years. In ancient times chocolate was not sweetened. It was a bitter drink. Today we like our chocolate sweetened. We like chocolate with sugar added to it. Chocolate has spread throughout the world. It has become one of the most popular foods in the world.
Comprehension Check:
Did you understand the story? Are these sentences true?
1. People have been eating or drinking chocolate for a very long time. Yes or no?
2. Chocolate has always been sweetened. Yes or no?
3. Chocolate is not very popular. Yes or no?
4. Chocolate can be used to flavor many things. Yes or no?
Part IV            Speaking         Test
Questions (5 minutes)
Direction:               Choose one question to answer.
Time Duration: 1 minute preparation and 2 minutes to answer

  • If you won $10 million and had to spend it in 5 days, what would you buy?
  • If you had to be a character from any fairy tale, which would you be?
  • If you could have date a celebrity, who would it be and why?
  • If you were an animal, what would it be and why?
  • Would you rather be deaf or blind?
  • If you were Steve Jobs' replacement as Apple CEO, what would be your first action? What would be your long term plan?

この1レッスン[=25分間]のオンライン英会話レッスンに最適な独自のオリジナル教材は、「AI English Academy」のレッスンに限らず、他のオンライン英会話スクールや自主学習でも、ぜひ使っていただけたらと考えています。
AI English Academy」では、皆さんがご自身の目的に合わせて効率よく英語学習を進められるよう、5種類の教材をご用意しています。その他、自分の英語習得スキルを随時確認出来るよう、初回と毎月のレベルチェックテストも作成しました。